Tag Archives: thrive global

Arianna Huffington Talks To Tamsen Fadal About The Importance of Sleep

13 Sep

She’s the power behind the Huffington Post, a 15-time author, entrepreneur and media mogul.
But it was clear as soon as a I sat down with Arianna Huffington, it’s her role as a mom that takes center stage.

“I have this absolute rule when one of my daughters call I will interrupt anything I’m doing,” Arianna said. “Everyone knows it will normally last for 10 seconds because I want to make sure it’s nothing urgent.”

In fact, it was her oldest daughter, Christina, who found her mother when she collapsed from exhaustion nine years ago.
“I hit my head and I came to in a pool of blood, it was actually quite funny my sister saw me and she fainted,” Arianna remembered. “Thank god Christina walked in, who was a teenager at the time and she took charge.”

That was the trigger behind her book, ‘The Sleep Revolution.’ It has changed the way she lives life and does business. She sleeps eight hours a night and unplugs completely.

“We may be exhausted, our bodies are tired but we haven’t turned off our brain,” she explained. “That’s why I recommend a half hour before you go to sleep turning off your devices, charging them in another room and having a hot bath or shower, just wash the day away.”